
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

SOS Challenge 47 - Masculine

It's time for another challenge at Shopping Our Stash! This week we ask you to make a masculine card. I know, I know, those are tough! But as always, we give you options: you can use masculine colors (navy, brown, red, blues, etc.), or a masculine theme, or anything for a boy or with a boy theme. I'll bet you have at least one piece of not-frilly paper in your stash you can resurrect for a card - you know, something you bought so you'd have it around, just in case? Yeah, that paper.

For my card, I chose to go with the "boy" theme and made another lego (tm) card:

I made a similar one back in February, but this time I went for the full lego look, with lots and lots of punched circles to simulate the lego board.

No I don't know if a young boy would get the "You Rock" sentiment, but his Mom sure would. :)

The rectangles are 1"x2" and are stacked 5 high. The circles are a 1/4" circle punch, and are stacked 3 high on top of each lego, but only 1 high on the green and white pieces. Hey, I got tired.

Now it's YOUR turn! Go into your stash and dig up something masculine or boyish and make a card, then come back to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I think I snagged your last lego card. Thanks !! But I used a dimensional under each circle. Gluing all of those circles is waaaaay too much work. TFS Hugs n' Stuff, Lynne

  2. Cute! That's a LOT of punched circles but it looks great.

  3. How perfect this is for all of the Lego fans out there! Is there a trick to lining up all the dots?

  4. Whoa! That's a lot of punched stuff. Very cool card, Leslie. I'd get tired quick, too. I know a lot of little Lego fans who would LOVE this card. Neat idea.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)