
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sketch + Color #2

For my next trick, I combined one of  the October Hero Arts sketches (top right):

with the now-expired (of course) Paper Players Tic-Tac-Toe challenge:

and made this card:

I used the right-hand column of Ribbon, Yellow+Gray, and Birthday. I was hoping my twine would pass as ribbon, but since the challenge is past, it really doesn't matter now, does it?

I suppose you want to know that I stamped no fewer than 6 of these before I got them all cleanly stamped and evenly spaced. Stamping is HARD, people, HARD!!!!

Okay, I'm going back in for more. Thanks for stopping by!

Items used and not included below: KaiserCraft Yellow Pearls, Twinery stone twine, Bazzill white card stock


  1. I think it turned out quite well - of course twine passes for ribbon. In my world, at least. I know you have a Stamp-a-ma-Jig somewhere in the Captains' Quarters, right? Just sayin'...

  2. It came out well, too bad about the 6 times LOL! I've started using more and more digis for layouts since my printer seems more reliable than I am for getting stuff straight.

  3. Well, if calling your blog "The Crooked Stamper" isn't an excuse to stamp not-quite-straight and say you did it on purpose, what is?

    Plus, the optical illusion of this particular design will make them look not-straight pretty much no matter what you do. True facts!

  4. Do I ever enjoy reading comments! All of them are true :) Also, stamping IS hard, and using a Stamp-a-ma-jig is cheating. I don't know how. It's just more hard core to stamp 'freely'. That's my excuse ;)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)