
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

SOS #64 - Try Something New

Happy Tuesday! It's time for another challenge over at Shopping Our Stash. This week we ask you to try something new. Not USE something new, unless that also gets you to TRY something new. By that we mean technique-wise. We'd like you to use a technique you've always wanted to try but haven't yet,  or one you haven't done in ages.  Be sure to tell us what technique you are using. Here are some ideas: alcohol inks, coloring with a different medium (for instance if you always use Copics, use pencils instead), make you own embellishments, emboss with ink or paint using a Cuttlebug folder, anything Tim Holtz-esque, etc. And heck, if your technique of choice means you break into some new stash, or some long-forgotten stash -- BONUS!

For my technique, I chose an old one I haven't used in forever, like YEARS: masking. Here's my card:

I also haven't used my Lawn Fawn Critters in the Burbs set in forever. When I learned of this week's theme, I (w)racked* my brain for something I haven't tried, because as most of you know, I've been a technique whirl-wind lately!

For this card, I started off by stamping the three front kitties. Then I masked two of them and stamped over the masks. Anything you stamp over the masks appears to be behind the first images. Then I just kept going! Eventually I needed four masks to get the images where I wanted them:

That's them on the right. I stamped the image on the sticky part of a Post-It Note and fussy-cut them out. Well, three of them. The fourth one got stamped on the non-sticky part (waste not, want not) and I applied some Dotto temporary adhesive to it. Worked fine.

I followed this MFT sketch:

and I flipped it:

I realize I didn't use any MFT stamps, so it's not going to be entered in their challenge, but it was the sketch on top of my DO THESE BEFORE YOU DIE pile, so I used it. It had a rectangle, and my cats were a rectangle ...

Since I've been blathering, here's the card again so I can give you the specifics and you won't have to scroll aaaaall the way up there:

Stamp by Lawn Fawn; SU Bermuda Bay card stock and ribbon; Basic Grey Max & Whiskers paper; Dymo label maker**; misc brads; Noses by Copic.

Now it's YOUR turn! Go into your stamp room/cave/grotto/sanctuary and think up a technique you've always wanted to try, but haven't yet, then DO IT. Alternatively, think of a technique you haven't used in forever and USE IT. Then come back to Shopping Our Stash and link us up so we can see what you've made!

Thanks for stopping by!

* I thought it was "wracked", but there was a recent discussion about this on Twitter, and apparently even though WE ALL THOUGHT IT HAD THE "W", we were ALL WRONG. "Wracked" is the alternate spelling. Go ahead - read all about it here. The jury is still out, though.

**I had momentary heart palpitations when I thought my Dymo label maker didn't have an apostrophe. I was in distress, trying to think of another way to do that sentiment without the contraction. Seriously. The third of three cartridges had it, so I was saved, but was a bit tense there for a minute or two, I'm not gonna lie.


  1. lol - love your narrative! This card is really cute! Love the colors and those cleverly masked/stamped kitties!

  2. Your posts are always a fun read! Your mind works in fun and mysterious ways! Love the herd of cats!

  3. too cute!!! But so labor-consuming, i could NEVER EVER EVER do this

  4. i always use wracked, but i never see it like that in books...or anything else i read...

  5. i think i thought it was wracked, too; i had to wrack my brain to even think what i thought it was, tho! perhaps i'm going to "rack and ruin"??! :)

    as for the CATS, they are ♥AMAZING♥ i think i'd prefer to have a go at the herding than all that masking and having to stamp them perfectly and straight and everything! i think i stand a better chance at getting elebenty cats to stand in that pose whilst i photograph them, actually! (thus EVEN MORE bonus ninja kudo points for your mad skillz!!!) ♥♥♥

  6. Love the kittehs! You did an excellent job with the masking. I found this - and many others - about (w)rack -

  7. OMG I say this all the time about tweens - "it's like herding mouthy, sarcastic cats." And I would have also freaked with no apostrophe - I'm not even all that fond of making a comma substitute for one. Ahem.
    As for wracked, that I did not know. I will definitely stick with my W, whether it's alternate or not ;)
    And for heaven's sake, how did I not mention the card? LOVE the herd of cats (holy heck, that's a lot of masking...), and Noses by Copic? Sounds like a very chichi salon ;)

  8. Leslie - Love this card. Love the cats! I haven't masked in a long time, but I am inspired by seeing your herd of cats! This is just so much fun! so glad to be on the design team with you!

  9. But they look like such well behaved cats... Nice masking! :-)

  10. That's A LOT of masking!!!!! They're so cute though and all that work paid off big time! TOO CUTE!

  11. love those farthest back kitties being a shade lighter...great idea! this card is fab and I love the way you flipped that sketch!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)