
Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Bird-Day

Hi, kids! Yeah, I know I never came back yesterday, but that doesn't mean I wasn't crafting, though domesticity did rear her ugly head for a while. I crafted my patootie off all day Sunday, but nothing worked. NO THING. I have pretty trash.

But tonight, when I spied the current Paper Smooches Sparks Challenge:

I instantly had an idea I'm sure 243564 other people will have, and I made this:

Just call me Captain Obvious. And let me tell you: those silly washi tape banners? NOT EASY. Well, the banners are easy, but getting the swag in the twine ... I have strategically placed Dimensionals holding them in place. Pesky little buggers.

In other news, I am out of food in the Crooked cupboards. And refrigerator. And freezer. I was going to either go to the grocery on my way home from work this evening OR I was going to stop at Tarjay to pick up a few essentials and cleaning products. One or the other, maybe both. Instead, my fuel level light came on so I stopped to get gas so I could get to the store, and because of where the gas station is, and the No Left Turn out of the gas station, and ... my car came straight home from there. I have no food. None. I may die. HAHAHAHAHAHA! No chance. No chance at all.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for the new SOS challenge - it's a good one!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cute, cute, cute, cuuuuuuuuuute!!! Love the banners and that crazy little birdie! You AND your banners are swag-a-licious. :D

  2. Eat a couple of crackers and you'll be good as new! LOL!

    This is so cute and love that banner! Precious card.

  3. Well, it's the first of the multitudes that I've seen, so everyone else will be obviously copying you! I love it. I can only imagine the fiddliness.
    As for the food I totally get how the car came home instead, though.

  4. Adorable card, I love that little bird.

  5. LOL My boys are looking at me wanting to know why I'm laughing at my computer!! My husband has the same name for Tarjay :) and the comment about your pretty trash is hilarious! It will make the garbage man smile :)

  6. Great use of washi and the sketch. I hope you're not wasting away. :-)

  7. Great job with the sketch. This is a fun card.

  8. Sooooo cute and definitely not obvious to me!!!

  9. The banners are so cheerful! Very sweet card. So glad you played in this week's PS Sparks challenge!

  10. Awesome washi banners! Super cute card! I hope that you were able to get some food and are not, in fact, passed out in your craft cave!

  11. SUPER cute! LOOOOOOVE the bright banner! FAB! THANKS for joining in the fun and playing along with us over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge;)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)