
Saturday, September 1, 2012

6x6 Pad, part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of my effort to use up one 6x6 pad of paper in one weekend. You saw the first 30 cards here. Now I bring you the next 16.

I had a pile of 17 strips of 2x6 papers, and I decided to mass-produce the batch of cards. Here's what one looks like, then I'll explain:

I ended up trimming all the papers from 2"  down to 1 1/2", so I now have a pile of 1/2" strips of paper you'll see tomorrow.

All of the cards have Kraft card bases. I stuck down all the strips of paper, then I used a Jennifer McGuire technique and applied thin strips of card stock down each side of the patterned paper instead of layering it. This works in at least three situations that I can think of: (1) you forgot to layer, or decided you should have layered, but didn't; (2) you are running dangerously low on your solid card stock, and don't have enough for layering; or (3) you planned to do this. Jennifer does (3) - she plans these things, or at least she makes it look like she did. I would normally be (1), because I forget a lot of things, but today I am (2), as I am dangerously low on Buckeroo Blue, and this seemed like a fine alternative.

Let me show you a few more cards from Wave 2.

Here's another birthday one, using my favorite paper from the pack:

 and here is one with blue trim:

This next one is horizontal, because that's how I cut the pear paper:

 I made that green button. I think it should have been thicker, but it'll do.

Just to mix things up (mass production is no longer fun for me), I left the banners blank on a few cards and put the sentiment in a circle, like this:

 And another one:

I like how the circle cuts all the straight lines. I also went back and used my 1/2" corner chomper on all the corners.

I made 16 of these total (all varieties with the strip of patterned paper on Kraft), so today's total is 46 cards. I had 17 strips of paper, but one had to be sacrificed because of poorly-placed permanent tape. :( So sad.

Tomorrow I'll tackle all the small pieces that remain, and hopefully I'll use every last scrap of this paper pad.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Brava, friend! It gives me hope that there is a way to disappear my paper before time runs out! Imagine the possibilities with 12x12 pads. It's mind boggling. Lol. Anyway, love your cards. Clean and simple and sweet. :-)

  2. Oh. my. word. Yup, that's where my brain stopped. That's a lot of cards from one little paper pad! Thank you, Captain Obvious, I know, but seriously, oh. my. word.

    As you know I pulled out a pad and a sketch and midnight I stopped with 18 and I'll start up again. I'm getting stuck with the cards being too basic. I think I'll get the bulk of the cards done, then go back and see what little touches I can add. Without glitter. Or bulk.

  3. holy cow, you are so productive! I am going to start next weekend. All my 12x12 paper pads will be put to good use.
    All of the cards you made are wonderful and they will bring joy to many

  4. Just fabulous! I so hear you on mass-production - I just finished 75 identical thank you cards for my sister. I thought I was going to have to fall on my sword by the end.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)