
Sunday, September 2, 2012

ABNH #11 - Who's The Boss

The new challenge at A Blog Named Hero is to emboss, either dry or heat. Being an over-achiever, I did both. Here's my card, then I'll explain:

Yes, it looks very much like the one Mel posted on the ABNH blog post. Yes, I pretty much CASEd hers. You see, I have a new ColorBox Q stack sitting on my desk and I couldn't put it away until I'd used it at least once. The Queue contains Canary, Marigold, Orange, Scarlet, Lime and Heliotrope. I also had that HA set in my "purchased but not yet used so you can't put it away" bag, and, well, I had to do it.

First, I stamped the outline triangle with ColorBox Frost White onto vellum, twice to make a pennant:

and clear-embossed them, then cut them out. (It's on a piece of green card stock so you can see it.) I made 5 pennants, even though I only used 4 here. That's another saga.

I then inked up the patterned triangle and stamped it on white card stock. Ink, stamp, clean, repeat. I used 5 colors - all but the green. Then, since I read the cube and realized this is pigment ink, I clear-embossed them, too. Then I cut them out and placed them into one of the vellum triangles. There is a method to my madness here. Please be patient with me.

You see, my personal challenge is adhering vellum. Vellum hates me. So if I put a solid paper over the vellum, I could then fold it over and use adhesive to keep it closed. See? Smart! So I strung all 5 of the pennants onto a piece of SU white twine, then I realized after several attempts that this would never fit on a card. I even tried a 5x7 card, and I hated intensely disliked it, so I gave up and lost the purple one.

Here's the card again since I've been blathering:

I'd nailed the heat embossing option, so I dry-embossed another piece of the vellum (and it's off my desk - yay!) with a LifeStyle Craft EF. It looks weird, but you know I'm going for bonus points here, right? :)

My corner chomper does not like vellum, so the corners are a bit wonky. Shhh, don't tell anyone. Also, the vellum is stuck down to the blue layer with tape placed strategically behind each pennant and also the sentiment.

I even busted out my Liquid Pearls, declaring the Peacock was close enough to that Bermuda Bay layer to work. And I called it done.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go link this up to the ABNH blog, then get back to work using up my remaining scraps from the 6x6 paper pad extravaganza (here are Part 1 and Part 2, if you're interested). I shall finish today!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. that's pretty much the only way I can use vellum too - itty bitty pieces with strategic placement of paper ;) I love how this turned out - it seems like the purple one wasn't meant to be! Does it go in the heaplet or into the recycling?

  2. You totally get bonus points! That's a lot of planning, I love the result. Perfect in every way :) I argue with vellum a lot too. Most of the time it wins.

  3. WHEW!!! This card sounds like it was a lot of work - but it sure paid off as it's fabulous! LOVE the banner and use of the vellum too. Fantastic card Leslie!

  4. Nice outcome.... the texture must be really cool in person... *smile*

  5. Love this! The banners are perfect for hiding the adhesive. I rarely use vellum wither, for that same reason. I really like the look of the embossed vellum, it's very pretty.

  6. vellum is sooo user un-friendly, it never cooperates... But the final result is so worth it! Beautiful card!

  7. Bonus points coming your way! Great card, fab effect!

    Thank you so much for joining us at A Blog Named Hero!



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