
Sunday, October 21, 2012

OWH #143 (Washi Alert)

When I saw the latest OWH sketch challenge:

I might have squeed a little. Did you hear me say WASHI!? Maybe that only happened inside my head, but I did run into The Captain's Quarters, grabbed three rolls of tape and made this:

Yeah, I'm thinking it's squee-worthy. As usual, I applied the tapes to a separate panel since I like to wrap the tape around to the back for a clean edge.

Now about that embossing: I wasn't sure it would work, so I did a prototype:

I learned several things here. Yes, you can emboss on washi tape (at least this stuff). There are different kinds of tapes, and I really wish someone would hold a seminar to tell us the different properties of each. I'd pay for that.

So anyway, I've yet to successfully stamp onto washi and not have it rub off, so the tapes I've used to experiment have a coating of some kind. This blue one does, too. But Versamark ink is sticky, and then heating the powder is another "glue", so this seems to have worked. I did apply some anti-static powder to the rest of the pieces, and I used less-floofy sentiments. This Happy Birthday just isn't right.

In addition to the Thinking of You way up above at the beginning of the post, I used this one:

I made a few of each, so that's five more cards for OWH. I hope to stamp and package all of these guys this week and get them out to our lovely East Coast coordinator.

I did think about using paper strips instead of washi, but I actually put away my 6x6 pads, and I'm not sure I want to get them out again. I may. Or not.

And if you think these cards look vaguely familiar, that's because they're just like this one with an extra blue row. Hey, a good design is a good design. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Products used but not linked below: Washi tape - Target & ... who knows. Misc white card stock.


  1. You amuse me. :) Cards are super cute!

  2. Fantastic cards! Love your tips on the washi tape because this sketch screams WASHI to me. :) Less floofy sentiment huh? Too funny but, Love it, sounds like something I'd come up with.

  3. Great card! I've yet to use WASHI, just a bit cautious of adding more stuff to my stash! TFS!

  4. Thanks for sharing your tips! I had no idea you could emboss on Washi tape and think it's a great idea!

    I also love how many people thought to use it on their sketch cards, yet it never crossed my mind and it looks great!!

    Thanks for the fun!!!

  5. These are squee-worthy. They totally rock.

  6. Wonderful job on these cards. I love the rounded corners. Thanks for all the useful info.

  7. Embossing on Washi tape - I had no idea! Love the look and colors on your cards.

  8. Thanks for taking the time to share your tips! The corners are a super nice touch to all these great cards! tfs!!!

  9. Squee! I never thought to emboss on washi. Fab idea!!

  10. Definitely squee-worthy! Super cards and super tips! Plus inspiration. I have rolls of tape in a box with my Candis, but never thought of getting out. *Slap forehead* And I definitely wouldn't have thought of embossing on it!

  11. LOVE the stars & stripes! Too cool. And I am certain that the washi I have is the not-stamping-on kind....I have tried & failed there. Must find more?

  12. PERFECT own cards and a fabulous sketch.

  13. These are wonderful! Perfect for OWH and I like the embossing on them.

  14. Great use of washi! Glad you loved the sketch :) Thanks for joining us in this week's Operation Write Home Sketch Challenge!

  15. Great cards! Love the clean and simple style! Thanks for joining us in this week's Operation Write Home Sketch Challenge!

  16. as far as i'm concerned you can WASHI all the live long day, and i will keep coming to see it, b/c it's ALWAYS awesome! and yeah, when i see sketches with little strips like that now, *I* can hear you squee in MY head, which is nice b/c it reminds me to use my own tapes (or the plethora of scraps i keep which are really too small to keep so WHY do i keep on keepin' 'em, eh??!?!?!) :) :) :) long story short: LOVE THESE!!!

    (ps: i have stamped on tape with stewart superior india ink; that stuff even works on transparency sheets, but you have to be careful to stamp it cleanly to start with and then NOT TOUCH or smear it for... well... A WHILE, until it's totally dry. ranger "permanent" ink pads, on the other hand, sometimes do not dry EVER on some stuff, which seems wrong b/c that's the whole point of them, surely??!)


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)