As for the title of this post, that goes back a loooong way, to my college days. My roommate and I would be walking somewhere, deep in conversation, when she'd break out into headline-news speaking mode. One time we were walking past the building where she had a lot of classes, and she had been talking about an upcoming exam, when she suddenly said something like, "College Sophomore Found Dead Outside McGuffey Hall, After Jumping Off The Roof, Apparently Despondent About An Upcoming Exam." Much of my first two years of college were experienced through news headlines.
I spent most of yesterday in stamping mode as I decided it was time got get my butt in gear and make cards to sell this summer. Making mock-ups is fine, but I need something finished, packaged, inventoried, and in the box if I think I am going to be ready the first weekend of May. I have soooo much to do. In fact, I realized that I had not even completed my card photo inventory from 2007, much less started on the one for this year. Yikes! Yes, I keep a card inventory - I photograph each and every card I make before I put it in the bin for sale (or mail it, when that happens.) That way if I find a particular card is very popular, I know what I did and I can make some more. Therefore, much of last evening was spent finding photos in the 'puter and printing off the remainder of my 2007 cards and watching Beetlejuice for the umpteenth time on TV Land. Love that movie!
Change of topic. On the way home from the grocery store this morning, I was driving by the farm near where I live and I heard Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi", the one that has the line "...pave paradise and put up a parking lot...". So instead of posting a card today, I thought I'd post a little piece of history that will soon disappear from the face of the earth: the local farm. I'll post my ramblings next to some of the photos I took a few years ago when I heard it had been sold.
This is (was) one of the remaining farms in the county that had not been sold for development, and it was a blessed natural green space in the midst of all the building that never ceases in the area. It had been in the same family for over 100 years, and there were four homes on the property that included 187 acres of land. When the owner passed away several years ago, I guess the land was inheritance-taxed at its current development value, not as farm land, and the remaining family could not pay it, so the farm was sold. Personally, I considered taking up a collection, but I think we were talking millions, so it would not have worked, anyway. ;-(
One summer day in 2006 I took my camera and walked the perimeter of the farm, hoping to capture for posterity images of what was soon to disappear. This is a shot from the edge of the property nearest to where I live, looking across (down) the length of the property. That house was not the main one, but it was the most visible. Today, all those out-buildings are gone, and the house was recently classified as Historic by our wonderful Historic Society, so it will be saved from demolition. It will be moved, but saved. Personally I thought it should stay where it is and be refurbished as a Community Center of some kind, but that's just me, and what do I know.
Here is a shot across the middle of the property, near the driveway to the main house that will be preserved, but more on that later.
And some beautiful rolling hills, with a creek and everything ...
And sometimes I get distracted by the little things. I do this a lot. I'll be taking a picture of some big scenery thing and suddenly drop to my knees and take a picture of a flower, or the pattern in some brick, or a I said - easily distracted. But we need to see these things, so I am sharing.
More distraction.
This is the actual historic farm house next to the barns.
What I did not know when I took those photos in July of 2006 was that the farm was still being worked. Look what I saw in November of that year - a harvest! Sadly, I call this next series of photos "The Last Harvest."
This shot was my attempt to get some 'perspective' into my picture. But it does show the big expanse of green, and a nicely-harvested field.
The rolling hills section with harvest evidence.
More rolling was a beautiful day!
And here is a shot from the near side of the property, pretty much where I stood to take the first one I posted.
This is a shot of the far side of the farm, pre-harvest, so far over the hill that you cannot see the rest of the property. I use this photo when I make cards and I need a picture of a field. The one I have used it for so far is a cheesy clip-art picture of a man (or woman) stuck in the middle of the field with the sentiment "For a man outstanding in his field." Corny, I know.
I plan to keep these photos for when that first bulldozer hits the farm, just so I can remember how things used to be. And if you have lost a farm to development where you are, feel free to come on back here and reminisce with me.
Now please excuse me while I go work on my taxes. Hopefully my head will not explode and I can stamp something later. I may even mount one of my new sets and make some Anniversary or Wedding cards. We'll see.
I spent yesterday about 60 miles outside of Philadelphia and enjoyed seeing the working farms and was saddened by all the new housing developments eating up the farm land. I really enjoyed your post very much and the pictures are wonderful. We were attending a funeral (hence the driving all around the area from funeral home to cemetery etc) so I didn't have my camera, but wished several times that I did. Thank you for a lovely post.
ReplyDeleteGlad to know you are ok !
ReplyDeleteI know how it feels to see all the beautiful countryside being ruined (I think) by more housing going..cookie cutter houses usually..or even worse yet storage rental places etc !
I love my land, only about 2 1/2 acres and we are blessed to have it!