'Twas a glorious day at the market yesterday:

The day's high was in the low 80s, but the humidity was unseasonably low, so people were out in force. I think today I'll present the photos in the order they were taken (pretty much), to give you a flavor for the randomness of the day.
We'll get started with the stars of the show - fruits and veggies (sorry,
Bunny, but yes, there are dogs today, just hold on):
The veggie spread at Farmer Mike's:


and green tomatoes:

Grape tomatoes:


... and Zukes:

Bell peppers:

... and BASIL:

OMG, you can smell this stuff as you approach that end of the table. Mmmmm.
He also had beets (blech):

... and cabbage:


and fennel (yes, it smells like licorice):

... and celery:

... and both blackberries and blueberries:

Oh, and lest I forget, he had okra:

and SOME people were happy about it. I don't get it. Oh, is my Yankee showing?
I turned the corner to Farmer Margie's and spied her fruit offerings:

which included blueberries and sweet cherries, and also sour cherries:

Over at Farmer Katie's, we had pretty PattyPan squash:

and this fruit spread:

Sitting across from it all morning I finally broke down and got both sweet and sour cherries, and some blueberries. The blueberries were disappeared in no time. SO good.
Over at the flower tent, we had Snapdragons:

... and daisies:

... and these, which I think are cornflowers:

and zinnias:

This is my arrangement:

The Rock Lady had a few new items, too. These are the ones that are in focus enough to share with you.
The pond:

Isn't that a great display? It's not wet - just looks like it is.
And some guinea pigs:

I overheard someone say these are the best kind. They don't eat much, and you don't need to clean their cages. :)
Bunny, are you ready? Time for some real-life critters!

This next one is a Schnoodle - Schnauzer + Poodle. SO cute:

This Westie was thirsty:

She said he lays down to drink at home, too. :)


This guy is a Vizsla:

It's a Hungarian breed, also called the Velcro dog - I guess they stick to everything. She said he's like a Weimeraner, but not, and they only come in this color.
A pug for


I've always wanted to get a decent photo of his blue feathers, since they are gorgeous. This is the best I could do yesterday:

You can see some on his tail. He's such a pretty, er handsome bird.
This is a Poodle and Golden mix:

He would put down this toy when they stopped, and pick it back up again when they resumed walking. What a hoot!
Okay, one more:

That's it for photos. Sales were decent, so I can't complain much. I even sold one of these sets of cards I made just before I left for the market:

I love it when a plan comes together. :)
In other news, when I got home I had happy mail from

She did something totally crazy and actually MAILED some cards. I KNOW! Isn't this one perfect for me? She enabled me to purchase these stamps, I like them so much. :)
I hope to get caught up with some challenges today, so I hope to have something crafty to share later today.
Thanks for stopping by!