Today I bring you a controlled test. I knew I wanted to use my Choc Chip Craft ink and emboss this bunny, but stamp him on what? Thus, the controlled test.
This version of the card, I believe, is my favorite of the bunch, but let me go through all my steps for you so you can make your own educated decision. Well, as educated as you can, with the limited information I am about to provide.

It all started when I wanted to make an Easter card. Seeing as I don't
do Easter, I needed help, and a lot of it. As every Demo knows, the SU Idea Book & Catalog is a wonderful resource for ideas, as are the Mini Catalogs. Since this stamp is in the Occasions Mini, I just opened it to the Bunny page and voila:

I CAN DO THIS! I even have all the parts-is-parts! However, the last time I used that Leaf Sizzlet die, it won, and I swore I'd never use it again. Plus, if you look at this photo, there are not one, not two, but
three pieces that require the use of the Big Shot: the leaf, the white shape, and the dotted embossing folder. Now we all know from past experience I am
really good at creating projects that require doubling-up on punches or the Big Shot, but
tripling up? Even *I* cannot be that bad. So for the first few versions below, I used the leaves from the bird punch. You'll see what I'm blathering about here in a sec.
Here is Version #1:

This uses the bunny stamped on Choc Chip card stock and clear-embossed. You can see the two punched leaves from the bird punch tucked behind Mr Bunbun. I also chose to wrap the yummy blue satin ribbon around the embossed piece instead of tying it in a knot (1) as a treat for The Ladies ... they weary so of my incessant knots and (2) because I could not figure out how to tie the darned thing without the tails of the knot covering his face. I had the button held up there, too, but it looked out of place, so I bagged it. (I even HAVE them, too!)
Eh? I think it's okay, once I get over that whole "white space" thing again. The example in the mini used textured card stock for the base card, I believe, and if I do that, it may be just enough to kick it up a notch.
Moving on. Here is another version with the Choc Chip on Choc Chip bunny:

This time I bowed to pressure and tied the ribbon in a knot. It has to be a little higher up on the card to not cover the embossed piece, and when I lowered the bunny a little bit, the tails of the knot did not get into his face too much.
Eh? Jury is still out. I like it, but, well, we'll see.
Here is a close up of Mr. Bunny in Dark Chocolate:

Next, we have what I call the Milk Choc version - Choc Chip craft ink embossed with clear EP on Close to Cocoa card stock:

I also broke out the leaf die, and I WON! I finally got it to pop out of the card stock, though it took a little convincing.
I'm back to the no-knot option here, and I kinda like it.
Here's a close-up of the Milk Choc bunny:

Next is a version with my first stamping of this image on Very Vanilla:

Not my favorite. Plus, the vanilla bunny on the white die-cut shape was not a good choice, but I was too lazy to cut a vanilla one at this point.
Here he is close in:

Then, I got all wacky and decided to make a BLUE bunny, and I'm not talking ice cream here! Lookie:

Heh heh. I inked up the stamp in Versamark, then went directly to Brilliant Blue, stamped it on Brilliant Blue card stock and hit it with the clear EP. The Versamark is 'on top' once you stamp it, so it takes the EP and embosses very nicely.
I am also back to the multiples of branches from the bird punch, largely because I'd already punched them and they were convenient. I think you could go either way with these or the leaf die. After all,
it's all about the bunny, am I right?
Here's the close-up of the blue bunny:

And you know what? Guess what I took out and never used? This:

Nope. I decided to not stamp it on the card front at all. I'll give The Ladies the option of stamping it on the inside, and if I make any of these to sell, that's what I'll do, too.
So I guess I like the Milk Chocolate version of the bunny the best, and I like the no-tie option for the ribbon, though I do think the tied knot adds a certain something to the whole thing.
So that's it. Please let me know what you think. I am open to suggestions and comments!
Thanks for stopping by!