I made 2 1/2 more cards! Woo-hoo!!! This first one is for my March Stamp Camps. Please note the use, once again, of that blasted Teal and Sahara Sand.
(whoa, this is a little out of focus ... sorry.) Because I am such a Good Demo, I used the 'bad' circle I punched with the 1 3/8" punch for my "let's try this one", and you can see some of the lines from the scallop are showing, so the Stamp Camp players will use the 1 1/4" circle punch and layer it on a 1 3/8" black circle. I am always ready to take one for the team and to be an example of what NOT to do. Also notice the rub-on is, well, besides being
crooked, it has some of the sticky stuff still stuck to it. Again, I'm taking one for the team. I will instruct all of The Ladies to make sure and completely adhere their rub-ons so it doesn't look like mine.
Now that I am just about done with the pre-cut & never used pile of the Teal and Sahara Sand card stock, I need to cut more for the Stamp Camps. Of course.
Next up I have another card I made from my stack o'pieces of Graphic 45 paper.

One more for the Engagement/Wedding/Anniversary section.
(yay!) This time I used Vanilla instead of White for the under-layer, and I also stamped the sentiment in black instead of embossing it like the last one. Why? Because I
Did you notice that ribbon? Here's how I got it to wrap around the edge of the card:

Yep, I punched a slot with the SU Horizontal Slot punch and threaded the bottom piece of ribbon through so it could wrap around and tie. I am sure I stole this idea from somewhere.
Here's the next one in the chute, still in progress:

This Graphic 45 image was a lot smaller that the first few I used, and it needed more something something, so I stamped one of my new Hero Arts background cling-mount stamps on the card base using So Saffron (matching) ink. LOVE IT! By the way, I was totally enabled to buy that stamp because of Jennifer McGuire's card near the end of
this post. This card will probably get my "Pedicure & Latte" sentiment.
I have 8 more pieces of varying shapes and sizes from that same 12x12 piece of paper, and I hope to get to one or two of them each night. I hope.
That's it for this evening. Not a lot of other news, so thanks for stopping by!
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