The plan is to challenge us to use our hoarded goodies. You know: the stamps that have never seen ink, or the embellishments you just HAD to own but are still in the package. Or, as in my case, in addition to all of that stuff, I have 700 miles of ribbon and 3584632 pieces of hoarded 12x12 papers. Uh-huh. I think this one will be QUITE motivating.
Last I saw, they plan to have some launch candy that you can enter to win - details are in this post on their blog. (Psst: I spied some Basic Grey papers in there. Sweet!)
There is also a DT call (details here), so if you're interested, check that out, too!
And because I've been blathering about using neglected stash, I thought I'd dig through some of my cra... er, treasures and make something. You know me, always being an example for others. Though I must admit, where I normally act as an example of what not to do, this time you should do it. You should use your stash.
Let me ask just one quick question: WHO MADE MAY 1ST A SUNDAY?!?!?!?! Do you know what this means?!?!? It means Mother's Day is the second Sunday, which is NEXT WEEKEND, PEOPLE! And next Saturday, the 7th, is the first day of our farmers market, so that means I have one day - ONE DAY to sell Mother's Day cards. IT IS SOOOO NOT FAIR! I deserve at least two weekends to do this. I mean, if I have to store these things for the rest of the year, I should have more than one shot at selling them, right?!?!? Sigh.
I grumbled under my breath and went to my cache of "you only get one day a year to sell these" cards, and pulled out ... wait! How can I have only 2 Mother's Day cards in there?!?! ACK! I have ONE WEEK! ONE WEEK!!!!!
So in light of this crisis, I dove into my paper stash and used a few pieces of DSP to make the following Mother's Day cards.
First up: Some current papers that just happened to be already cut to the right size. I made three of these:
Last, I found a piece of this DSP:
So come on over and join the fun!
And thanks for stopping by!