I'm getting this week's
Hambo Hoedown card posted
at the last minute! EEEEP! after the deadline - I forgot they moved it to Monday. :( Oh, well. :( *sniff*
(stoopid day job)This week we were to use their image, which I did not get because
I forgot to email them my card, and incorporate a frame. Not a mat (which goes under) but a frame (which goes over). Here's my card:

I was scrambling, so I dug in my UFO pile and found this secret agent dude. Then I cut the frame. Just to show you I didn't cheat, here are the parts-is-parts:

See? One dude and 3 frames. The orange layer of that card is one of the left-over napkin thingies from the other day. I'm slooowly working my way down to the desk top.
I stuck Mr Agent Man onto the card, then layered the three frames over him to (hopefully) look like he's hanging on a wall. The
dude is made with sparkly Thickers because they are the only thing that would fit there and be FAST.
Now if you'll exqueeze me, I need to
post this, link it and email it before bed. put this in the comments because I missed the deadline. I haz a sad.
Thanks for stopping by!
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