Monday, January 5, 2015

First Christmas Card of 2015

I know, I know, it's only the first week of January, but since I had all my Christmas cards done by the end of November, my December was panic-free and I had the whole month to get over it. On Jan 1st the new Jingle Belles challenge (No Time Like The Presents, to use holiday wrapping paper or a tag) was posted, so during my recent crafty weekend I made this:

I followed the current Fusion challenge, but I only used the sketch:

The most difficult part of this challenge was my lack of Christmas paper. I have none. Zero. Or tags. Nothing. But the gracious host of my crafty weekend did have left-over Christmas paper, so I shamelessly used a piece of it. It's very shiny:

For the rest of my card, I used some borrowed green card stock and paper poinsettias, and broke open and used my new-to-me Clearly Besotted Happy Days set I got because I liked the fonts.

I'm kinda happy how this turned out. :) I'm also extremely happy that my pal Joy played the same Fusion challenge, and you should go over and check out her card. I heard she might have used (gah) pink.

So, that's one Christmas card done already. Yay! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Stuff I used: American Crafts white mini brads, Hero Arts Poinsettia Art Flowers, MFT Gumdrop Green card stock, and the following:

InLinkz Project Manager account expired


  1. You should be happy how it turned out - it's gorgeous!

  2. I made Christmas cards this past weekend... because now that the holiday madness is over I can make Christmas cards again. Great card with fun shiny paper. Ooooh.... shiny!

  3. Looks great with that layout. Wonderfully done. Happy New Year!

  4. Great card with your acquired Christmas paper! The text on your flower is really neat too. So glad you helped celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the Fusion Challenge : )

  5. WOOHOO! first xmas card done on the first weekend of the year?! now THAT is awesome!!! as is the card in question, for that matter! love love love your take on the fusion sketch AND of course it's a great entry to our JINGLE BELLES giftwrap extravaganza! (for the record, it doesn't have to be specifically holiday wrap... you could use red or green or ANY wrap, really just the card has to be "holiday" does that help?) (& for that matter, any time it works with the current prompt, you can totally do hanukkah rather than xmas, we're all about inclusion; just so happens we both celebrate xmas, so we kinda slant in that direction...) :)

  6. Hello, Leslie! Long time, no see! I was pretty much MIA all last year, but I'm mending the error of my ways this year! Great card, and I'll be back around to see you more often!

  7. Way to go Leslie! Nice...good challenge combining.

  8. Look at you rockin' the Fusion Card Challenge sketch ... I am lovin' that shiny paper ... so very glad you're starting 2015 with us at Jingle Belles.

  9. such pretty paper and a great use of the fabulous sketch!


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)