Friday, May 2, 2014

Moving Right Along

I haven't gotten too much stamping done this week due to work on The Project, but I did accomplish one thing. Well, *I* didn't do it, but I hired someone else to do it for me, and it got done today. What might that be? I had my gardens tilled, which is not the same thing as having my clock cleaned*, though that is something I do need to schedule.

Following are the before and after shots I remembered to take for posterity.  First up: most of the back yard:

I cut the grass yesterday.  Doesn't it look nice? :)

And the side where the garden will go:

You can kinda see the string (well, really it's yarn) I put up with craft Popsicle sticks to indicate the area to be dug up. We crafters have everything.

Here is a shot of the sod cutter in progress:

I cannot imagine doing this by hand. Ugh. Backbreaking work.

Ready for the after? Here's the main part of the yard:

and the garden:

All tilled and ready for me to get started. It took them about 1 1/2 hours. Soooo worth it! I plan to head out now to pick up some manure (treated, of course) and some vegetable plants. And maybe some plants for the back corners. I need to beat the weekend crowds!

I'm attending an all-day crop on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get something done that's worthy of sharing. That is, if I can think of what to pack. I still have no clue what I'll work on. Sigh.

Thanks for stopping by!

* Seriously, I have a grandfather clock, and they need to be cleaned every few years. Plus, mine was moved part-way across the country, so it needs attention. I love having the clock cleaned and being able to tell people. I also might be a 12-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. just a suggestion. I see you have tilled right up to your foundation. That's not a good idea. You will need to water the plants and you don't want that water to find it's way into your basement. If you do not have a basement I guess it's okay. Other than that....Looks like you have a whole lot of work ahead. Gardening is fun !


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)