Friday, May 16, 2014

OCC: Watercolor for Card Makers, Day 7 & 8 Homework

I've been making a lot of pretty trash lately, attempting to do some homework for the Online Card Classes - Watercolor for Card Makers class. I greatly admire all the people who did the videos for the techniques, making it look so easy, when in real life I know it's not, and it takes a lot of practice. I'm too impatient, and I don't find water coloring relaxing like some people do. It's just not my thing.

However, I AM taking the classes and I AM practicing a little, and I've finally made a card that doesn't suk, so you get to see it.

The focus of days 7 & 8 was Faux Hand Painting. Here's my card:

I stamped the floral image in a light ink, then colored it in with Distress inks. The black dots in the flower centers were made with Distress Black Soot (keeping to the whole watercolor theme) and a tiny pointed brush. I will say the "painting outside the lines is okay" thing is quite nice. :) I almost like this one.

Astute readers will notice this image has been modified a bit. I free-hand drew the bottom right leaf because the image seemed unbalanced to me, though the designers probably new better and left it off on purpose. I also had a blue streak in the background that looked like a leaf, so I just did it. This was jumping ahead to Days 9 & 10: Watercolor Freehand. This is about as far as I'll ever take it, trust me.

I also plan to mail (yes, as in SEND) this card. Crazy idea, I know.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Leslie, this is so wonderful to look at. Your colors are perfection. WTG on the HA shout out on Twitter.

  2. You did a great job with this one. I think adding that leaf was a good idea, it does look unbalanced otherwise.


I'd love to hear what you really think! :-)

PS: I've had to disable Anonymous comments, because the spammers were killing me. If you are unable to comment, please email me your comment and I'll get it posted for you. Sorry. (stoopid spammers)