It was another beautiful day for the market yesterday. Well, it started out nice, but then it got HOT. Summer is here. Ugh. At least when there was a breeze, it was a cool one.
Ready for some veggies? Here we go!
The usual spread with which I begin:


Zucchini and summer squash (both babies):


Some kind of greens (I didn't pay attention, because as soon as I heard "gre ..." my brain shut down):

Two kinds of beans:

The end of Farmer Mike's strawberries:


Herb plants:

and 'mater plants:

The Rock Lady is back this summer with a gaggle of piggies:

Okay, not a gaggle, but maybe a herd. The babies are a litter. By the way, pigs are
very clean animals, so they are much wronged by their association with dirt and mud. They just use the mud to keep cool, like elephants and rhinos do. We don't think of
them as "dirty", do we? I thought not.
Moving on ...
Farmer Katie had some onions (orn-yons):

and rhubarb (leaving fast):

and asparagus:

and some strawberries:

Oh, and some apples (kept in cold storage from last fall):

The flower tent was full of flats of annuals:

and they also had some sunflowers (some of these came home with me):

Isn't this one pretty?

T-Shirt of the day:

And I know why you are really here. Sigh, it's not for the veggies at all, is it? Okay, let's look at the few dog photos I took that were actually in focus.
First up, this one was a total spaz:

He acted like a puppy - so full of energy, and this is one of four pics I took of him - the only one where he wasn't a blur. He's 7 years old, and the guy said he'll settle down in about 7 more years. What boundless energy! As for what breed he is? He told me and I forgot. It's some kind of {insert foreign country name here} hound, but he said it's also called a brown Weimaraner, which I looked up, but I don't think that's it. Anyway, if he comes back I'll ask again. I'm not shy.
Next up is Rocky, one of our regulars:

And then this beast came through:

Gorgeous animal.
Then this guy, that Marianne over at
Ruff Haven would have tried to steal:

Part Chow and part Golden Retriever. Thick thick fur, and sooo friendly. I believe his name is Garcia.
That's it for the doggies. I did wander around a bit to check out some of the new vendors, and this guy had some cool stuff:

That fish and this owl:

The last hour or so we had a roving troubadour playing for us:

He was doing some great older songs, and he was pretty darn good, too! I hope he comes back!
That's it for the market. When I got home Saturday I was totally drained. I need to take my fan and some frozen towels with me starting next week if I hope to survive the summer.
I'm working on some crafty challenges, so I'll have something to show you later today and into tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by!
Yay doggies!! My 16 year old dog still acts like a puppy too. Sounds like a pleasant day!
ReplyDeleteyes yes yes .. i love all the doggies. And the Golden Chow would fit right in here.
ReplyDeleteSo good to see you back in full market swing.
Thanks for the mention.....but I have been so so bad in not posting on my blog. I have been very very busy with the dogs and
oh, i'm drooling all over my keyboard looking at those vegetables. I can't believe it's summer everywhere but Wisconsin.